Good Conclusion Paragraph for a Research Paper

Writing a research paper is a significant academic endeavor. After presenting your arguments and evidence, it's crucial to conclude your paper effectively. A good conclusion paragraph for a research paper is more than just a summary; it needs to synthesize the information, offer a resolution for problems presented, and leave the reader with a final thought to ponder. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to write a compelling conclusion for your research paper.

Summarize the Key Points of Your Research

Begin your conclusion by revisiting the main points of your research paper. This doesn't mean you should just repeat what you've already said. Instead, synthesize the information, highlighting the significance of your findings. Remember, your conclusion should reflect the depth of your research without introducing new information. It should encapsulate the essence of your arguments and signify why your research paper is an important contribution to the field.

Conclude Your Paper with a Final Thought

End your research paper on a strong note. This could be a call to action, a quotation, or a provocative question. Your final thought should resonate with your readers, encouraging them to think deeply about the subject. It should be a natural end to your paper, leaving your reader satisfied and thoughtful. This is your chance to leave a lasting impression, so make sure it is a powerful and meaningful one.

Length of a Conclusion Paragraph

A good conclusion paragraph for a research paper should be concise and focused. Aim for a length of 150 to 200 words. It should be long enough to cover all the important points, but short enough to keep the reader's attention. The conclusion is your final opportunity to show the reader the value of your research paper, so make every word count.

Writing a Conclusion for Persuasive Essays

Writing a conclusion for a persuasive research paper follows similar principles. Restate your thesis in a new way, summarize your main points, and finish with a closing statement that reinforces your argument without just repeating what has already been said. It is essential to reiterate why your argument is persuasive and why the reader should care about the findings of your research paper.

Conclusion Paragraphs Examples

Examples can be a great way to see how others have structured their conclusions. Look for examples in your field or subject area. Notice how they restate their thesis, summarize key points, and end with a strong final statement. These examples can serve as a template for your own research paper, helping you to understand what makes a conclusion effective and impactful.

Writing a Conclusion for a Speech

Similar to a research paper, a speech needs a strong conclusion. Summarize your main points, restate your thesis in a new way, and leave your audience with a memorable final thought that encapsulates your message. The conclusion of a speech, like a research paper, is your last chance to make an impression, so make it memorable and meaningful.

Good Conclusion Paragraph for a Research Paper

A strong conclusion paragraph for a research paper acts as the final, impactful note that resonates with your reader. It should succinctly recap your central arguments and revisit your thesis, but in a manner that feels renewed and compelling. This closing section should crystallize the importance of your research, leaving the reader with a lucid grasp of its significance. Additionally, a good conclusion hints at potential avenues for future research, subtly acknowledging that while your paper has shed light on critical issues, the realm of inquiry is ever-expanding. If you're struggling to craft such a conclusion, Write My Research Paper offers expert writing assistance to help you end your research paper on a powerful and persuasive note.

Explore All Blog Post Conclusion Articles

For more detailed guidance, explore our other blog posts on writing conclusions. Whether you are working on a research paper, essay, or report, we have resources that can help you craft the perfect conclusion. These resources are designed to help you understand the nuances of concluding different types of academic writing, including research papers.

Dos and Don'ts

Do summarize your main points; don't introduce new information. Do restate your thesis in a fresh way; don't just repeat it verbatim. Do leave your reader with a final thought; don't end abruptly without conclusion. Do make sure your conclusion is coherent with the rest of your research paper; don't introduce a new tone or style.


Q: How long should my conclusion be?
A: Aim for 150 to 200 words, but this can vary depending on the overall length of your paper.
Q: Can I introduce new arguments in the conclusion?
A: No, the conclusion should only summarize and synthesize the arguments you have already made in the body of your paper.
Q: What is the most important element of a conclusion?
A: The most important element is to restate the thesis in a new way and to summarize the key points of your research paper, leaving the reader with a strong final impression.

Final Thoughts

Writing a good conclusion paragraph for a research paper is your chance to finish strong. It's the last impression you will leave with your reader, so make it a good one. Remember to summarize, restate, and leave a memorable final thought. With these steps, you are now equipped to write a conclusion that is clear, compelling, and insightful. Your research paper deserves a conclusion that does justice to the hard work you've put into it, so take the time to craft a conclusion that leaves your reader with a sense of closure and satisfaction. the original source